"Almost certainly" in 2012 Olympic skateboarding

Shaun White Photo - Steve CaveThe 2012 Olympics this summer, and again, the question should be included surfaces-skateboarding? This year looks like the time the answer would be Yes finally!
The London Evening Standard reported that, "the International Olympic Committee officials held talks with skateboard in Switzerland this week to agree a timetable for the inclusion of sport." Now, there's a lot of suspicious talk in that sense ... "skateboard officials"? Why are they in Switzerland? And, is now a "sport" skateboarding?!
But all that aside, it seems that the odds are very good to take for skateboarding on this year. That is flat out crazy, given that rugby, golf and baseball not! Hey, I'm fine with it – skateboarding could use some love, and this is a great way to (read more about the drama of getting into the Olympic skateboarding) to get.
The type of skateboarding that is vert, who thinks about including them is also interesting. I mean, it makes a lot of sense-vert is pretty spectacular, and easier to score than complicated Street runs. It looks great on TV. It is impressive. Vert has, however, are teetering on the brink of irrelevance for some time. Back in 2008, the "X Games was actually dropping vert > until there was a huge pro skater revolt! And now, perhaps the first form of skateboarding to be a legitimate Olympic sport, get a haircut and move out of the basement.
So, what do you think about all this? Is this good for skateboarding? Should it happen? Vert is the best choice? And finally, do you think we're going to see skateboarding in the 2012 Olympics?
* with thanks to Chris Harris for the tip

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